Wednesday 11 January 2012

Systems and Control - O3 - PBASIC

The PBASIC knowledge you require for the prelim:
Where applicable you also need to know how to do these things in a flowchart also
  • Setting up DDR
  • Switching pins on and off and pauses
  • How to use binary number system
  • Using the symbol command
  • Using variables to remember numbers, count up, and count down
  • Using IF . . . THEN . . . to test an input (including the use of limit switches)
  • Using  FOR . . . NEXT . . . to repeat something x times
  • Pulse Width Modulation
  • Stepper Motor including Stepper Motor Driver IC
    • Driver requires SAA1027 IC and ULN2803A IC
      • Know what these are and what they do!
  • Subprocedures (make sure you write return at the end!)

Systems and Control - O1&2 - Types of Control

Coming soon . . .

Structures Outcomes 3&4 - Materials and Factor of Safety

Shapes are important when designing structures. We have already looked at this through nodal analysis and I hope that you saw that the most commonly used shape was the triangle as this is the strongest shape.  However it is not just shape that will influence to the overall performance of a structure, the materials used play an important role as well.  If one member fails it could have a domino effect on the rest of the structure.

Engineers must therefore consider the properties of the different materials in order to make an informed and sensible choice for the job in hand.

The most common properties to be considered include:

STRENGTH - the ability of a material to resist force. All materials have some degree of strength - the greater the force the material can resist, the stronger the material. Some materials can be strong in tension but weak in compression, for example mild steel. The converse can also be  true as is, the case with concrete, which is strong in compression but weak in tension. Hence, the reason that concrete is often reinforced with mild steel.

ELASTICITY  - the ability of a material to return to its original shape or length once an applied load or force has been removed. A material such as rubber is described as elastic because it can be stretched but when it is released it will return to its original condition.

PLASTICITY  - the ability of a material to change its shape or length under a load and stay deformed even when the load is removed.

DUCTILITY   - the ability of a material to be stretched without fracturing and be formed into shapes such  as very thin sheets or very thin wire. Copper, for example, is very ductile and behaves in a
plastic manner when stretched. 

BRITTLENESS - the property of being easily cracked, snapped or broken. It is the opposite of ductility and therefore the material has little plasticity and will fail under loading without stretching or
changing shape. Cast iron and glass are obvious examples of materials that are brittle.

MALLEABILITY - the ability of a material to be shaped, worked or formed without fracturing. It is closely related to the property of plasticity.

TOUGHNESS - the ability to absorb a sudden sharp load without causing permanent deformation or failure. Tough materials require high elasticity. 

HARDNESS - the ability to resist erosion or surface wear. Hard materials are used in situations where  two surfaces are moving across or over each other.

STIFFNESS - the ability to withstand bending 

Tensile Testing 

Effects of Loading on a Material

Stress: Stress is the effect of a force on the cross-sectional area.  The symbol is  σ (sigma) and it is measured in N/mm2

σ = F/A

Where F is force measured in N and A is area measured in mm2

Strain: Strain is the effect of a force in a material's shape.  In compression or tension this is the length of the material.  The symbol is ε and strain is unitless.

ε = ΔL / L

Where ΔL is change in length (either stretched or squashed) and L is original length.

Young's Modulus: This refers to the to the stiffness of the material during its elastic region.  The higher the modulus, the greater the stiffness.  On a stress/strain graph the Young's Modulus can be found using the gradient of the slope in the elastic region.  The symbol is E and the unit is N/mm2.

E =  σ

Values of Young's Modulus for common materials can be found in the data booklet.  You may need to access this in order to carry out calculations.  Be aware of the units here, the table is in kN/mm2 so you need to change this to N/mm2 in order to use it.
Factor Of Safety

No matter how well designed structures are, unforeseen circumstances can see them fail.  An engineer can never be absolutely sure that (s)he has accounted for every type of load that will affect the structure.  Most common reasons for structural failure are:

Overloading: When the loads applied to the structure exceed the value used in the design process.  It could have been used inappropriately, or live loads which cause sudden changes in loading could have caused overloading.

Material/Joint Failure: The material within the structure may not be of consistent high quality or it has deteriorated over time.  Natural materials like wood can never be guaranteed as they contain natural defects.  The joints used could be inappropriate or not correctly put together.

Fatigue: It is difficult to predict when a structure will fail but repeated loading and unloading on a structure will wear down the material's resistance to breaking and it will eventually fail.

A factor of safety must be chosen depending on the performance criteria/specification of the subject.  Over designing may be expensive, so an appropriate FoS is required.  Consider:
  • The value of the load and the accuracy of calculations
  • The type of load
  • The reliability/quality of the material
  • The effect of corrosion or wear on the dimensions of the structure
  • Errors during manufacture of construction
  • The consequences of failure - how close will humans be to the structure?
Factor of safety has no units.  There are two formula in your data booklet, but ALWAYS use the stress equation:

Factor of Safety = Ultimate Stress/Safe working stress

Once you have found the factor of safety you can apply it to the structures you design or do calculations on.  So if a factor of safety is applied this will effect the dimensions of the material etc.

In order to find the maximum stress you may need to use the data booklet table.  You will probably need to use Young's Modulus from this table also.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Structures - Nodal Analysis Practice

Here is the question we did today:

First I took the bottom node to work out the internal forces in B and A.

I then took the middle node.  To build on last time's question this node now has a force acting on it and so C is not redundant.  Simultaneous equations are now required to solve the forces here.

Because we now know the force in D, we know that the reaction X in the wall is equal and opposite to it.

And finally looking at the bottom node we can work out the reaction Y.

Friday 25 November 2011

Structures - Nodal Analysis Practice

Here is the practice question we did today:

First of all we can find the reaction of the roller using moments:
Then I took the top node first to do nodal analysis:

Then I moved down.  C is clearly redundant as e and a act in a straight line and if you remove c you still have a triangle. (If there was an external load at this node then that would effect the internal forces in C and it would no longer be redundant.)

I moved down again to work out the force in d.

I could then look at the last node to find the reaction of the hinge.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Structures - Practice after Homework

Today we did a couple more questions together.

First of all we looked just at moments with forces which are not acting perpendicularly onto the beam.  This means that we must resolve these forces into their component parts to find the magnitude of the component which acts perpendicularly to the beam.  To help do this, I would have turned this question so that the beam was horizontal, this is how my working is done.

Then we looked at finding a hinge reaction. First of all we needed to use moments to find an unknown force. 

Two methods are shown below:

A moment is the force x the perpendicular distance.  The 500N force is already acting at right angles to the beam so the anticlockwise moment is simple to calculate.  The unknown force is not acting at right angles to the beam it is acting on. So we need to find the perpendicular distance of this force to the hinge.
The alternative is to resolve F into its components and work out how much of F is acting at right angles to the beam.  This can then be multiplied by 3 to find the clockwise moment and therefore the magnitude of F.

Now that you know all the forces acting on this beam you can work out the hinge reaction.  The very first thing to do is draw an up/down right/left diagram to calculate the components of the reaction, and therefore use pythagoras to work out the hinge, and trig to work out the angle.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Case Study

For the last class period of Case Study we looked at the introduction and conclusion.

Therefore your completed Case Study should be handed in on:

Monday 12th December

You need to briefly introduce your topic.  State what you will study and how you will go about it.  Are you focusing on a specific aspect of technology?
This should be around 250-300 words.

This must be written in your own words as it is your summary of what you have found.  Sum up your findings and make a final statement about what you found based on your research and analysis.
This should be around 300-400 words.

You must include where every piece of text, diagram or picture was sourced.  This could be done by putting little reference numbers throughout your report and then listed at the back with where these came from, or just a list of references.

Books: Author surname and initials, (Year), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Page Numbers

Journals: Author surname and initials, (Year), Title of article, Name of Journal, Volume number (and part), Page numbers
